E-Visa Pakistan
For our return, we had the chance to discover the Pakistani E-Visa.
This is a new online visa, which you can do from abroad.
We applied it and received it in a week.
Here are some tips,
– Never note that you apply your visa somewhere else than in your country of origin, if for example you are in India or anywhere else.
– For our case, from India it is impossible to access the site of the Pakistan embassy (mentioned above). You will have to go through a VPN. This VPN will allow you to simulate your connection in France or Europe.
– After your request if your visa is accepted it will be delivered to you within 7 days and visa will start from this date. For our part, we preferred to ask 3 months to enjoy until the last moment our Indian visa.
In the box “Duration Stays” be large.
– For the box “Location for interview”, put your country of origin, and especially not the one in which you are currently if you are abroad.
– Simplify your request to the maximum: In the box “Are you accompanied by friends or family members” we checked “NO”. Likewise for the box “do you have friends in Pakistan”.
– In relation to the letter of invitation we have attached our letter of Trecks and Tour (for more info on how to get this letter, refer to this site (https://caravanistan.com).
And for accommodation we gave the address of a hotel in Lahore found on the net.
-The only problem we have encountered is for the insertion of the photo ID. Indeed when sending your documents you must respect a weight for each file. Which turns out a little complex for the photos. We tried everything, but doesn’t work. We sent our photos by email via the “Visa Contact Us” and we explain the problem with the photos. The answer was surprisingly effective. We had our photos modified and ready to be inserted right now !
– The visa will cost you $ 35, payable only by credit card.
Attention, as you can know during an online payment with your credit card a confirmation code affiliate on your phone numbers will be asked. Few of us keep our French SIM card abroad, in our case in India, with an Indian number affiliated with the credit card we have never received the code. The codes were received only via bank cards affiliated with a French number. For this we asked for a new affiliate phone number, that of a relative in France so that he can give us the code for the payment.
Good Luck ! Contact us if you need 😉